I started creating @JustJohnComics as a coping mechanism to deal with a break-up after a 15-year relationship.
John started out as someone who everybody should hate (and was portrayed after the person responsible for the split), but – as time passed and life got better – gradually he turned into a normal character with everyday issues.
These are the comics I wanted to share with you all.Other comics are available on Instagram.
More info: Instagram
Doggo craving for atten-John
Lego – use your imagina-John
Public transporta-John
A Christmas tradi-John!
Satan’s December blues!
…and so he became John Solo
Home decora-John
Proverbs with John 1 – The Early Bird Catches the Worm
John orders on Uber Eats – Part 1
John orders on Uber Eats – Part 2
On the verge of starva-John
John ordering a hot dog
Watch out for extor-John!
Also height is the most important thing ever
…and all the single ladies wait in line
Meddling in a conversa-John
Enjoy 2019 everyone
Merry Christmas!
West VirJohnia
You’d better get that looked at
Alien ResurrecJohn
You might need to Google this one
It’sa me, John!
Fullmetal! Birth of the Cactus Rabbits
Hope your weekend is better than this one
Upcoming ElecJohns
Johnsters in my closet
The nemesis returns
Fokking tomatte
Johnny Playstation
Oh Johnny-boy, we’re on to you
just john
Love and stuff
The Ori-John story
Monday Johnday
just john
John is a meth addict
just john