El Bokeh Wall: How To Make Gorgeous Backgrounds Using Aluminum Foil
“El Bokeh Wall” is a photographic technique by Laya Gerlock where aluminum foil is used to create bokeh, the aesthetic quality of the blur in the background. Laya explains how to do it.
To get this effect, you’ll need a camera and a large aperture lens, speedlights, a wireless trigger, gels, aluminum foil or silver wrapping paper, and scissors and tape.
Scroll down for the instructions!
More info: layagerlock.com (h/t: petapixel)
Laya Gerlock explains how to create “El Bokeh Wall”

What you’ll need

1. A camera and a large aperture lens
2. Speedlights
3. A wireless trigger
4. Gels
5. Aluminium foil or silver wrapping paper
6. Scissors and tape
Step 1: “Get your aluminium foil or wrapping paper and crumple it”

Step 2: “Lay it flat and you should get something like this”

Step 3: “Tape it to your background a distance away from the subject”

Step 4: “Get your speedlight and choose a colored gel for the background that you want”

Step 5: “Place your speedlight with gel below your shooting table and point it towards your background (the crumpled aluminium foil)”

Step 6: “For the main light I used a speedlight with a small softbox and diffused it some more with an acrylic sheet in front”

Here are the results:

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