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People Are Obsessed With This New Hidden Rainbow Hair

There were lots of hair trends in the past couple of years. From pixelated hair to rainbow pastel hair to galaxy hair, and even ‘merman’ hair – we’ve had it all. They may be cool and all, but some of us are just too shy for these bold hairstyles or simply have a more conservative job… If you’re one of those people, you’ll love this hidden rainbow hair that might become the next big hair trend!

The look was shared by Not Another Salon on Instagram just a couple of days ago with the caption “Hidden rainbows are all the London rage right now. By Carla [Rinaldi]”, and the photo has gone viral since with over 11k likes so far! I must say, it sure looks like Lisa Frank’s coloring supplies were used here.

More info: Instagram (h/t: hellogiggles)


Image credits: Not Another Salon


Image credits: thecarlarinaldi


Image credits: Not Another Salon


Image credits: thecarlarinaldi


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