Oh. My. Goodness. You better sit down for this one, pandas. Recently, photographer/huge Harry Potter fan Sarah Hester and model Zachary Howell collaborated together to create a sexy Harry Potter photo shoot and, we must say, it’s hot as hell!
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“I met Zach at a meetup I held at the studio for local photographers,” Hester told BuzzFeed.
“He’s a photographer and a model. I started calling him ‘Harry’ because I could NOT remember his name. I jokingly asked if he would be willing to shoot a Harry Potter boudoir session and he was into the idea! We set up the shoot for a week later.” And the rest is history… Take a look below and see the shoot for yourselves! But BEWARE: It’s so hot you might not be able to look away.More info: Sarah Hester Photography | Zachary Howell (h/t: buzzfeed)