When you become a parent, time (in retrospect) seems to go by faster. You’re doing your thing – changing diapers, pushing a stroller around, doing mounds of laundry- and BAM, it hits you…that moment of clarity and sobering reality that your life is not just yours anymore.
Well, I’ve been getting more and more of those moments as my son gets older… and you know what?
I wouldn’t trade them for anything.More info: Instagram
Planks + pushups are hard with a toddler on your back. He don’t give a sh!t
He unknowingly threatens me with a meltdown of epic proportions so he can do what he wants
He sleeps wherever the hell he wants, including on top of me
He likes my company, particularly after he’s done a massive poop
85% of the suitcase space belongs to him
He designs, but doesn’t build his own train tracks
His kitchen, his pizza. His way. All day
That time we rode an escalator one thousand times just because he wanted to
He’s not into shows like Breaking Bad or Homeland, so we just watch Thomas the Tank Engine instead. On repeat
Best place to sit