Bronson the pup was one of a litter of nine that were born to a chocolate lab via c-section. When the owners realised he had a cleft palate however, they decided to have him put down. Puppies with cleft palates don’t have a great chance of survival, but one vet technician was determined to give him a second chance at life.
“Knowing the sucker I was, another vet tech got the family to sign the puppy over and got me to foster the puppy,” she wrote on Imgur. The user, who goes by the name of Kaffekalle, also explains why puppies are often euthanized for such a seemingly minor defect. “Depending on the severity of the cleft, and if it affects the hard or soft palate, puppies usually do not thrive. The space in the roof of their mouth does not allow them to suckle properly, and they eventually die of starvation.”
She fed him via a feeding tube every 1-2 hours for a week and even took him to work with her. When it became clear that Bronson would survive, the vet just couldn’t help but adopt him. And looking at how adorable he is, we really can’t blame her! (h/t: barkpost)