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Giant Inflatable Duck Apocalypse Has Begun In Scotland (VIDEO)

First a giant inflatable duck appeared in Hong Kong. Then a monster inflatable minion rampaged through Dublin. Now another giant inflatable duck has just caused havoc in Scotland. There is no longer any doubt. Inflatables are taking over the world, and we must be prepared for the worst.

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The most recent attack occurred in Glasgow, when a gargantuan yellow duck appeared from nowhere and rolled across the road to the shock and terror of motorists.

The duck had been masquerading as a mascot for local car dealership Peter Vardy when it took advantage of the blustery weather to launch its assault on the city. Footage of the attack was caught on camera and shared on Facebook by Mark Duncan, and reports confirm that the duck was later apprehended before it could cause any serious damage. Next time however, we might not be so lucky…

More info: Facebook


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