Five years ago, when Julie Docherty adopted a senior chihuahua, she had no idea that one adoption would lead to her being the mom of a whole dog squad.
Julie Docherty adopted her first senior chihuahua, MoMo, from Tiny Loving Canines Rescue in California, where he was surrendered in a horrendous condition.
“My first senior adoption was a happy accident,” Docherty told The Dodo. “I discovered MoMo, fell in love with him, and we bonded over his rehabilitation and care. I came to realize then how heartbreakingly overlooked this large category of shelter dogs are, and how ideal senior adoption was for me.” Over the next few years, Docherty adopted four more senior chihuahuas (all from the same shelter, except one) named Choli Churro, Paloma Linda, Benito, and Lalo Flan, but he sadly passed away due to cancer.All of these chihuahuas weren’t loved as much as they should’ve been in the past, but now, luckily, they have each other. In fact, they have formed the most adorable little squad of toothless senior chihuahuas! See for yourselves below.
More info: Instagram (h/t: thedodo)