Shalom Nchom was only 9 years old when an accident with frying oil left her with severe burns to her face, hands and shoulders. She also lost most of her hair, and because of this she soon became the unfortunate victim of bullying.
“I was stared at by kids and older people whenever I stepped out,” said Nchom.
“I felt like a living statue that people came to see. It pushed me to be rude towards anyone who stared at me. I cursed people out and cried on many occasions.”Now, the 20-year-old is a beauty blogger and goes by the name “Shalom Blac” on YouTube. She wants to teach people makeup art, but she also hopes to inspire them to accept themselves for who they are. “You should love yourself either way—makeup or no makeup,” Nchom says in one video. “Makeup is not the reason why I am happy. I’m happy because I love myself.”
More info: Instagram | Youtube