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Someone Used Face-Swap To Create Female Versions Of US Presidents, And People Find Obama Surprisingly Hot

By now, we’ve already seen baby face swaps, Disney face swaps, even tattoo face swaps. Giving US presidents such a makeover, however, is something completely new. And we didn’t think we needed it so badly until we saw it.

“It’s strange to think that these people would never have been elected president because of that pesky troll X chromosome,” redditor ygdrssl, the creator of the gallery wrote. They made it using FaceApp on their iPhone only, “Most recent presidents are represented back to 1900.

When commenting some of the most memorable portraits, ygdrssl said, “Wilma Hannah Taft has a mustache of glory no matter what universe she is in. [And] Teddie Roosevelt is hella glam, what did you expect. She wears the best of Sephora on her national park expeditions and will give you sass if you bring it up.” Scroll down to check out what the most powerful people in the Western world would look like if they were women!

“Made this for y’all. An alternate universe…”


Image credits: ygdrssl

Image credits: ygdrssl

Image credits: ygdrssl

Image credits: ygdrssl

Image credits: ygdrssl

Image credits: ygdrssl

Image credits: ygdrssl

Image credits: ygdrssl

Image credits: ygdrssl

Image credits: ygdrssl

Image credits: ygdrssl

Image credits: ygdrssl

Image credits: ygdrssl

Image credits: ygdrssl

Image credits: ygdrssl

Image credits: ygdrssl

Image credits: ygdrssl

Image credits: ygdrssl

Image credits: ygdrssl

Image credits: ygdrssl


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