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People Are Going Crazy About This Lipstick With Real Flowers Inside

Lipstick with actual flowers inside? Yes, please! It’s time to say goodbye to the Kylie Jenner lip kits and hello to Kailijumei! The China-based store has recently introduced a new lipstick to the beauty scene and it’s all the rage right now! The gorgeous jelly lipstick not only has real flowers and gold specks inside, but it also has a light pink tint that changes colors depending on your temperature and body pH.

Is that cool or what?!

Unfortunately, these beautiful lipsticks are already out of stock on the Kailijumei site, but if you’re going as crazy as we are for them, you could pre-order! They retail for $30 each.

More info: kailijumei.tictail.com | Instagram



Image credits: kailijumei


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Image credits: kailijumei


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Image credits: kailijumei

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