Raising a family is tough, it takes a lot of hard work and commitment from both partners and communication and the spirit of teamwork is vital. So you can quite easily imagine the resentment that quickly sets in when one partner begins to take their foot off the gas! The other has to pick up the burden, and that doesn’t bode well for the relationship.
Or, as Australian blogger and mum of 4 Constance Hall puts it in a Facebook post that has gone viral, “All you’re left with is silent resentment. And that my friends is relationship cancer…”Cue an outpouring of comments from, almost exclusively, women who are frustrated with their men and their lack of consideration. While societal attitudes towards women are changing, with the fight against things like sexual harassment and unequal pay bringing some positive results, it seems that domestically there is still some work to do. Obviously that’s not to say that all men are slacking off, there are also many women who are happy and grateful that their man has been raised with a sense of responsibility!
Scroll down below to see Constance’s post, and let us know what you think in the comments. Do you agree with her? If you have a partner, do you make a good team? We look forward to hearing your opinion!
Blogger and mum of 4 Constance Hall had enough with the daily chores that she’s left alone with every day…
So she took it to Facebook to explain just how frustrating it gets
“These nutcases are my world”
Most commenters were women who could definitely relate to Constance’s rant
Some tried to find an explanation for the problem
While others were happy with their relationships