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Guy Gets A Message From A Dating Site Bot, And Their Conversation Is Too Entertaining

Chatbots are a well-established presence on the internet, using artificial intelligence to strike up ‘conversations’ with people who may or may not know what they are dealing with. While sometimes they can be helpful, in customer service, for example, they are often used for deceitful purposes too.

This Guy Received A Message Saying He’d Won $25,000 But Needs To Pay A Delivery Fee, So He Trolled The Scammer

Spam calls and emails usually announce themselves as such, thanks to technology, but what happens when you get a text from an anonymous number? Well, when Imgur user Anthony Schillings received one such text there was only one clear answer – play along. Sent from an unknown number, Schillings

Former Jewelry Salesman Reveals How To Avoid The Diamond Scam

Diamonds are a dirty business. Run until recently as a near total monopoly by the De Beers cartel, the diamond industry is soaked in blood, myths, and dodgy business practices. Every year millions of people, mostly young men, are duped into believing arbitrary ‘rules’ about how much money they

50 Of The Biggest Everyday Scams You Probably Hadn’t Even Thought About

Have you ever bought a train ticket or paid extra to park at a hotel, and thought to yourself ‘hmm, it seems like they are ripping me off.” Well, according to these Reddit users, you are right. One user under the name eggaboy has asked people to name “the biggest everyday scam that people put up

Pharmacist Student Explains How “Natural” Herbal Supplements May Put You In A Hospital

Millions of people all over the world are sucked in by the allure of multilevel marketing, or MLMs, usually on the promise of flexible hours, easy money and the recommendation of a close friend or family member that has also gotten in on the scheme.
But like in anything in life that seems too

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