На информационном ресурсе применяются рекомендательные технологии (информационные технологии предоставления информации на основе сбора, систематизации и анализа сведений, относящихся к предпочтениям пользователей сети "Интернет", находящихся на территории Российской Федерации)

Девушка взяла с собой щенка в парикмахерскую, а все клиенты были в восторге от этой мордахи

Когда Бриттани Тейлор отправилась к своему парикмахеру в Чарльстоне, Южная Каролина, она не могла не рассказать девушке Мишель Этвуд о своём новом щенке Луке. С тех пор, как в её доме появился этот милый малыш, он стал постоянным источником радости и улыбок. Бриттани поделилась с Мишель, какой у

58 Amazing Transformations That Show How Important Beard Trimming Is

My Barber Is A Goddamn Hero source Decided I Was Ready For Little Change source Before And After source I Cut My Hair And Beard source Homeless Man’s Unbelievable Transformation Into “Hipster” source I Promised My Stylist A Good Before And After source Yesterday I Decided To Clean

Unique New Study Proves Pharmacists Working in Barbershops Drastically Improves Men’s Health

Source: Good News Network This unique healthcare initiative is improving men’s health simply by utilizing their regular trips to a barbershop. Based on previous research suggesting that people are more likely to accept medical advice if they’re in familiar environments, pharmacists have spent

38 Before & After Pics By This Japanese Barber Show How Much Difference A Good Haircut Can Make

As a guy, you probably have fewer options for keeping your look fresh than women do, unless you are jumping on the male makeup ‘trend.’ So what can you do? Hit the gym, maybe a tanning salon. Get a new outfit. However, as this talented Japanese barber proves, by far the most effective way of

I’m Happy To Announce That I’ve Found My Forever Barber In Hoboken, NJ, And I Feel Sexy Again

When someone says the word ‘artist,’ who pops into your head? Picasso? Bob Ross (RIP)? Bill Madison? That blue duck was abstract AF and would have sold at auction for a cool billion if Banksy drew it. Billy could have bought his dad’s Fortune 500 company and hired Eric Gordon to shine his shoes

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