На информационном ресурсе применяются рекомендательные технологии (информационные технологии предоставления информации на основе сбора, систематизации и анализа сведений, относящихся к предпочтениям пользователей сети "Интернет", находящихся на территории Российской Федерации)

Slices Of American Cheese Is The Best Cheese Ever And Everything Else Is Pure Garbage

iStockphoto Few things are as ubiquitous and controversial as the humble orange slice of individually wrapped American cheese. For some, it is a culinary staple. For others, it is cheese non-grata, a plasticky near-cheese unfit to sit atop even the most modest of sandwiches. I, however, am

Teacher’s Pet Shake Shack Returns $10 Million Government Loan For Small Businesses

— Stephanie Ruhle (@SRuhle) April 20, 2020 When the cookies are passed, you take a cookie. You don’t ask someone to pass you the plate, take a cookie, realize there are people out there without cookies, and then put the cookie back. You know why? Because then, everyone else who took a cookie feels

Инстаграм недели: ода осеннему обжорству

Чем больше Новосибирск исчезает под снегом, который прячет последние леопардовые пятна асфальта, тем больше наши тела исчезают под уютным слоем жира. В Новосибирске продолжает идти снег, инстаграм тоже засыпает фотографиями еды и триумфом обжорства. Наконец-то все встало на свои места! Наш город

McDonald’s In New Zealand Now Gives Free Roald Dahl Books With Every Happy Meal

With more and more kids enslaved to the screen from as young as they can remember, the push to ensure that children are still able to get lost in a book and let their imaginations roam free is more important than ever. Over in New Zealand, the giant fast-food chain recognizes this and has replaced

Visualizing American Soft Power In Europe

Buns and burgers are the epitome of American soft power. Although many Europeans these days are more than a little weary of where America is currently headed politically, Statista's Dyfed Loesche notes that this skepticism doesn't seem to extend to the kitchen. As Dalia Research has found out,

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