На информационном ресурсе применяются рекомендательные технологии (информационные технологии предоставления информации на основе сбора, систематизации и анализа сведений, относящихся к предпочтениям пользователей сети "Интернет", находящихся на территории Российской Федерации)

Институты Конфуция в Индии: как работает «мягкая сила» Китая

Почему в Индии хотели запретить китайские Институты Конфуция. Ухудшение отношений Китая и Запада в последние годы привело к тому, что на первые полосы мировых газет регулярно выходит Институт Конфуция (ИК) — инструмент «мягкой силы» Китая, который обвиняют в попрании свободы исследований, а

The Way This Russian Girl With Heavy Accent Responds To This Asshole Guy Saying She Sounds “Dumb” Is Epic

Learning a foreign language is seriously tough, it takes patience, dedication and courage and anyone who has been able to do it deserves respect. Can you imagine then, conversing with others in their language, and instead of appreciating your efforts they decide to mock your accent instead? 24

We Illustrated The Cutest Words People Call Their Significant Others Around The World

What do you call your partner – darling, sweetheart, babe? Turns out, there are many more inventive terms of endearment used around the world, including ‘egg with eyes’, ‘my little cabbage’ and ‘cute nose’. So we decided to illustrate some of our faves. My Little Chicken – Arabic My Gold Nugget

Become A Multi-Lingual Polyglot With uTalk Language Education Course Packages (69% OFF)

Bro, it’s time to expand your set of life skills. If you’re not multilingual and you want to be, don’t fret. It really doesn’t take that long to learn a new language if you actually sit down to learn the material and work at it. You can do this. I’ve got faith in you. The world is flattening

10 Crazy Things Russians Say And What They Mean

Russians Don’t Exaggerate, They ‘Make An Elephant Out Of A Fly’ A Russian Won’t Lie To You, He’ll ‘Hang Noodles On Your Ears’ You Are Not Just Talented Or Skilled, You Can ‘Shoe A Flea’ A Russian Person Doesn’t Swear Something Is True… He Will ‘Give You His Tooth For It’ It’ll Never Happen

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