На информационном ресурсе применяются рекомендательные технологии (информационные технологии предоставления информации на основе сбора, систематизации и анализа сведений, относящихся к предпочтениям пользователей сети "Интернет", находящихся на территории Российской Федерации)

Monkeys Stealing Medicine In The Midst Of A Global Outbreak Actually Happens Quite A Lot, According To Movies

On Friday, in the midst of our society collapsing around us, reports out of India indicated that — and I’m quoting Reuters here — a group of monkeys “attacked” a medical official and “fled with the blood samples of four patients who are undergoing treatment.” The attack occurred this week when a

What's Leaving Netflix in May: Scandal, Outbreak, and More

Netflix may be bringing some exciting new titles to its streaming library next month, including Ryan Murphy's Hollywood, Damian Chazelle's The Eddy, and a Michelle Obama documentary, but the streaming service will also say goodbye to some of the movies and shows in its library in May. Netflix has

What's Leaving Netflix in May

Netflix may be bringing some exciting new titles to its streaming library next month, including Ryan Murphy's Hollywood and Damian Chazelle's The Eddy, but the streaming service will also say goodbye to some of the movies and shows in its library in May. Netflix has revealed the list of titles

US Surgeon General Urges People To "Stop Buying Masks" As Retailers Warn Of Shortages

US Surgeon General Urges People To "Stop Buying Masks" As Retailers Warn Of Shortages The U.S. Surgeon General has urged people to “stop buying masks,” saying on Twitter that they’re not effective in preventing the general public from catching coronavirus. Seriously people- STOP

«Скажите спасибо, что в ИЛе сидушки успели прикрутить и встречающие не избили!» В соцсетях отреагировали на недовольство изолированных

Недовольных условиями перелета и тюменского санатория «Градостроитель» сограждане стыдят в соцсетях. «Привезли бесплатно, вытащили из эпицентра эпидемии, а они еще и режимом возмущаются», «страна их не бросила, а им надо в пятизвездочный отель и трюфели на обед». Но зарубежная практика показывает,

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