На информационном ресурсе применяются рекомендательные технологии (информационные технологии предоставления информации на основе сбора, систематизации и анализа сведений, относящихся к предпочтениям пользователей сети "Интернет", находящихся на территории Российской Федерации)

Archaeologists Discover Over 100 Sarcophagi, Test Fate By Opening Ancient Egyptian Coffins And Revealing Mummies

Archaeologists are testing fate after opening coffins from an ancient Egyptian graveyard last week. Now, we wait for whatever evil spirit that is summoned from the sarcophagi who will bring plagues and whatever wickedness our way for encroaching on a sacred burial ground in Saqqara, Egypt. On

Ancient Egyptian sarcophagus to be opened on live TV this weekend

Author: Stephen Johnson / Source: Big Think Kevin Dickinson 05 April, 2019 The United States health care system has much room for improvement, and big tech may be laying the foundation for those improvements. Technological progress in medicine is coming from two fronts: medical technology and

Еще одну древнюю гробницу вскрыли в египетском городе Луксор

В некрополе Эль-Ассасиф, расположенном недалеко от древнего египетского города Луксор, обнаружили гробницу с мумией женщины. В Эль-Ассасиф традиционно хоронили представителей знати. Там же находятся могилы фараонов, которые правили примерно с 1550 по 525 годы до нашей эры. The opening of an

Mysterious Black Sarcophagus Opened Despite Fears Doing So Would End The World, But Contents Are Scary

Full Disclosure: The above photo is not the actual black sarcophagus in question but rather the black sarcophagus from The Mummy movie from 2017 starring Tom Cruise. For all intents and purposes, this is still a sarcophagus and Getty images can be pricey, but we’ll have some actual images of the

They Opened the Granite Sarcophagus

Author: Miss Cellania / Source: Neatorama Last week we read about a black granite sarcophagus found underneath the city of Alexandria. The Egyptian Ministry of Antiquities has announced that the sarcophagus has been opened. Sadly, the archaeologists found that while the stone coffin was sealed,

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