На информационном ресурсе применяются рекомендательные технологии (информационные технологии предоставления информации на основе сбора, систематизации и анализа сведений, относящихся к предпочтениям пользователей сети "Интернет", находящихся на территории Российской Федерации)

Студенты Эквадора подрались с полицией из-за цен на топливо

Жители южноамериканского государства недовольны политикой президента Гильермо Лассо. Кито, 12 августа. В нескольких провинциях Эквадора прошли многотысячные протесты против роста стоимости топлива. Выказать недовольство действиями властей вышли члены профсоюзов, перевозчики, студенты и

Texas School Cancels Medieval Misogyny Assignment That Told Girls To ‘Walk Daintily’ And Clean Up After The Boys

iStockphoto A long-standing tradition at a Texas high school has become the latest victim of cancel culture: NY Times– It was a tradition that went back years at Shallowater High School in northwest Texas. For one day, the senior boys dressed in suits and ties and the girls put on frocks and

Elementary School Kindly Asks Parents To Stop Throwing Their Kids Over A Closed Gate

The Trillade elementary school in Avignon, France has been forced to ask students’ parents to stop throwing their kids over the closed gate when they show up late. According to The Times… The Trillade primary school in Avignon put up notices prohibiting parents from hoisting their offspring over

The Video Of Nimesh Patel’s Infamous Columbia University Standup Set Is MUST WATCH

Nimesh posted this a couple weeks ago, but I just saw it today. I’m sorry for blogging it late but it’s just too incredible not to blog. The backstory for those who don’t know/remember: Nimesh Patel is an Indian-American comedian, and a very good one at that. He wrote for SNL, was “discovered” by

Texas Tech Girl Posts Snapchat At Crowded Day Party: “YES I Have COVID”

— taylor smith (@tayylorcsmith) September 5, 2020 Whoopsies! That’s how you get… expelled. Seriously, colleges are expelling kids right now for exactly this sort of thing, and for good reason. It’s one thing to unknowingly spread COVID on campus because you’re out and about, having a good time,

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