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A Tortoise Named ‘Tank’ Was Found 2 MILES Away After Escaping From Home For The THIRD Time

Of all the animals that a person might have to worry about escaping home and running away, a tortoise would have to be very, very low on that list. Just don’t tell that to Tank the Tortoise of Carbon County, Pennsylvania. For you see, Tank, who weighs around 50 pounds, was recently

Diego The Tortoise Is Retiring After Having So Much Sex He Saved His Entire Species From Extinction

Diego the Tortoise is 100 years old but he’s been getting busy fucking to help save his species. Diego was taken from the Galapagos Islands to help breed with other giant tortoises in a special program conducted by the San Diego Zoo where he helped birthed over 800 tortoises to keep the species

Not Seen for 100 Years, This Galápagos Tortoise Was Considered to Be Extinct – Until Now

Author: McKinley Corbley / Source: Good News Network Conservationists are rejoicing over the discovery of a giant tortoise species which has been thought to be extinct for 100 years. According to a statement that was released by Ecuador’s Ministry of the Environment, this giant tortoise has not

‘Extinct’ Giant Tortoise Found After 100 Years

Source: Sunny Skyz A giant tortoise believed to be extinct for over 100 years has been discovered on the Galapagos island of Fernandina. The announcement was made by Ecuador’s environment minister Marcelo Mata. An adult female was found by an expedition led by the Galapagos Parks authority and

На Галапагосских островах обнаружили гигантскую черепаху, считавшуюся вымершей

На Галапагосских островах обнаружили гигантскую черепаху, вид которой считали вымершим, сообщает The Guardian. Взрослую самку черепахи вида Chelonoidis Phantasticus обнаружили учёные во время экспедиции на остров Фернандина. BREAKING NEWS! GC’s own @wacho_tapia just returned from Fernandina Island

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